📢 Tatvic is now India’s first certified Conversion Optimization Partner with Google

Google has mandated businesses
to implement consent mode

Ensure compliance seamlessly with Tatvic, the official partner of Usercentrics (CMP)

Why do you need to have a consent management platform?

Compliance with EU and

  • Obtain explicit consent for collection and use of EU customer’s personal data
  • Comply with Digital Markets Act, GDPR, and ePrivacy with just one tool

Uninterrupted Google Ads
and other features

  • Continue using Google’s measurement, ad personalization, remarketing features
  • Integrate Google Consent Mode v2 seamlessly with Usercentrics CMP

Ensuring Visitor Trust
and Security

  • Provide clear messaging and transparency with users
  • Confidently collect and utilize consented data for remarketing

Usercentrics is trusted by 1.4 million websites in 180 countries

Being a Google preferred consent management platform, Usercentrics assures you compliance with every legal acts globally 

We Have Been Awarded Leader Within The Category of
Best Consent Management Platform for The Sixth Consecutive Term!

What happens if you are not compliant?

Loss of data capture

Failure to implement Consent Mode V2 in at least Basic Mode will result in the inability to capture data about new users from the European Economic Area (EEA) on advertising platforms like Google Ads & GA4 after March 2024.

Impact on Advertising Strategies

Non-compliance will significantly impact advertising strategies and effectiveness as essential data for audience and measurement will not be captured, affecting targeting and optimization efforts.

Tracking Data Loss

Google Tag Manager will cease to function, leading to the loss of tracking data for affiliate campaigns, affecting the ability to measure campaign performance accurately.

Risk of Inaccurate Data

Without consent data, Google Analytics will resort to Behavioural Modeling rather than deterministic data, potentially leading to inaccurate tracking and validation data, affecting the reliability of analytics insights.

Let’s connect for Consent Management Platform implementation


Implementing Usercentrics can pose challenges, but with Tatvic’s expertise, you can trust that your data collection will comply with consent requirements. Moreover, we offer complimentary support to ensure your website fully adheres to regulations like DMA and GDPR, providing peace of mind at no extra cost.

Regardless of the platform, if your website or app receives traffic from the European Economic Area (EEA), it is mandatory to integrate a Consent Management Platform (CMP). Usercentrics offers CMP solutions for both mobile apps and websites, while Tatvic can assist you in implementing CMP for both mobile and web platforms.

Google Consent Mode is a utility designed to relay users’ cookie consent preferences to different Google tags utilized for assessing website and advertising effectiveness. Initially focused on anonymized data tracking, its purpose has since shifted, now serving as a signaling mechanism for consent.

Under the GDPR, individuals, including website visitors, online shoppers, and app users, are required to explicitly consent to the collection and processing of their personal data from their online activities for various purposes. They must also be informed about how their data is collected, its intended purposes, who can access it, and other relevant details. A consent management platform facilitates the provision of information about cookies and tracking services (Data Processing Services) used by websites, apps, and other platforms. It empowers users to make detailed consent choices regarding which services, such as cookies, they consent to or reject, thus ensuring compliance with GDPR regulations.

As per the DMA requirements, Google must demonstrate explicit consent receipt. Consequently, third-party entities leveraging Google’s platforms, such as for advertising, must also secure explicit user consent for personal data processing. Google Consent Mode, when integrated with a consent management platform, facilitates third parties in acquiring user consent and transmitting it to Google. This ensures their continued utilization of Google’s platforms for digital activities.

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