A Leading Consumer Electronic Brand: 70% Reduction in Data Discrepancies between CRM and GA
About Client
The client is a leading consumer electronics brand and a global technology leader, known for offering innovative electronic products worldwide.
Business Challenge
The client faced significant challenges due to data discrepancies exceeding 50% between Google Analytics (GA) and their CRM system, which impeded accurate performance measurement and decision-making. The specific issues included:
1. Missing Tracking in the Purchase Journey: Certain interactions were not tracked due to incomplete parameter passing.
2. Delayed Payment Gateway Responses: Delays impacted the accurate recording of transactions.
3. Incorrect GA Snippet Implementation: Faulty implementation resulted in browser-specific tracking failures and inconsistencies.
4. High Loading Times on Success Page: Excessive API calls caused transaction failures and data gaps.
To reduce data discrepancies between CRM and GA to below 15%, thereby improving tracking accuracy, campaign performance, and reporting quality.
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