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DoubleClick Data Discrepancy between Google Ads & GA360 | Reasons

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It is highly recommended to not compare Google Analytics and DFP numbers due to discrepancies that may occur. Check out this infographic to understand important points regarding those discrepancies.

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DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) has the ability to count each impression that displays creatives (ads). But, it only does so when the server relays an ad response. Likewise, Google Analytics can count Pageviews only when a user’s browser executes the Google Analytics tracking code. Since they are located in different parts of your page, it is likely that one of these JavaScript snippets may load while the other does not.


A few publishers place DFP tags in an iframe that serve ads. But, browsers that don’t support the iframe tag can’t report an impression. This leads to Analytics counting more pageviews than impressions counted by DFP. Whereas, for those browsers supporting iframe tags, serving ads in such a manner results in an extra round trip between the browser and server. This causes some users to drop off from the page even before the browser has enough time to relay calls to both DFP and Google Analytics.

Security (blocking) Software

There may be a case where your Analytics timezone does not match with your DoubleClick for Publishers’ timezone. Here, two different sets of reports aggregate multiple yet distinctive time periods for the same displayed date. You can set the country or territory and the desired time zone you want to utilize as the day boundary for your reports, regardless of where the data originates from. You can learn how to set the time zone for your Google Analytics reports.


There may be a case where your Analytics timezone does not match with your DoubleClick for Publishers’ timezone. Here, two different sets of reports aggregate multiple yet distinctive time periods for the same displayed date. You can set the country or territory and the desired time zone you want to utilize as the day boundary for your reports, regardless of where the data originates from. You can learn how to set the time zone for your Google Analytics reports.

Analytics Profiles


Google Analytics can let you create different profiles that you can use for filtering data. Take a case of viewing a profile filtering out some of the data. Here, DoubleClick for Publishers data will correspond to the filtered-out data which is not shown. Get to know how to create filters that control your report data.

DFP Video Companions

Google Analytics comes with DFP Video companion impressions since they display ads. But unfortunately, it does not include DFP Video ad impressions. Hence, while comparing impressions, make sure you include DFP Video companion impressions as well. Generally, these impressions that are reflected, are greater in value than that of the pageviews and if they are not, then consider 100 pageviews = 100 Impressions

Insights from Tatvic’s DFP Experts:

  • Every publisher may compare Google Analytics 360 data with Total CPC, CPM, and CPD revenue. But that is incorrect. Ideally, you should compare Google Analytics 360 Publisher Revenue with Total CPC and CPM revenue.
  • Google Weblight traffic will not be considered.
  • Facebook and Instagram article data will not be considered.
  • Some of the AMP pages will not be considered. Hence, ensure that your ads are rendering and providing the right data

Only if the AdUnitID is captured on all pages, then will the revenue from those Ads will be recorded. Also, it is to be noted that as per the industry standard, the revenue recorded will differ by an approximate 10%.

  • Page is not recorded Properly in Google Analytics or via GTM implementation
  • Chances for discrepancies are higher in cases where page reloads automatically while loading JavaScript but doesn’t load the ad successfully
  • Ad(AdUnit_path) is not rendered properly in your website code

Source: Google Support

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